Duties of Contractors and Suppliers in Construction Project Management

Jul 25, 2021 News


Duties of Contractors and Suppliers in Construction Project Management

Construction is a generic term referring to the science and art of to build things, structures, or organisms, and derives from Latin ad- constructum and Old French term constructu. To construct is the base verb: to build, and the root noun is construction: the arrangement of something in a way that it should be. For instance, the word house means “a building structure used for living,” while the word fence means “a fence made out of posts and resources.” The nouns -house and -fence -refer to the basic structure of a house or fence respectively, while -house and -fence refer to the manner in which a house is constructed. The verb construction is therefore, “to arrange” or “to build.”

The process of construction involves three phases: planning, initiation of action, and execution. Planning is the stage in which the subject of construction is studied and decided upon, such as the location of the building, how it will be occupied, what materials will be used, etc. The initiating of action is done under the power of contracts, which are basically a series of obligations between the contracting parties. These contracts form the substance of the building construction law.

The main article in this construction industry refers to the legal obligations of a contractor and his subcontractors. These obligations include the responsibility to take all actions necessary to meet the legal requirements of the contract, including compliance with the deadlines and requirements of state and local governments, as well as payment for any subcontractor’s fees. Another main article is construction contracts themselves, which are the legal framework of all construction projects, laid down by the Contractor’s Handbook and the Standard Construction Manual. There are several subtopics within these manuals, such as warranty claims, worker’s compensation, and environmental considerations. The manuals also cover state laws and regulations that must be followed in the construction site, as well as federal laws and regulations that are related to construction projects.

The subject of construction law contracts consists of three major parts, each of which has its own specific legal requirement. The first part is the scope of work, which is divided into different categories according to how much work there is to do on the project. The second part consists of the responsibilities and duties of all parties involved in the construction, such as the Contractor, Supplier, Government, Finance, and other agencies and personnel. The third and last part is that of insurance coverage, which will protect the Supplier, the Government, and all the other parties involved.

The main role of the Supplier is to provide the material, tools, and equipment that are needed for the completion of the project, to perform all necessary jobs, including production, quality assurance, shipping and delivery, labor and services, preparation of plans and specifications, management of all costs or charges, and payment for the materials, tools, equipment, and inventory. The Supplier’s role is also to provide material support, which includes supervision and testing, as well as receiving, disbursing, handling, storing, transporting, and assembling the materials. The Supplier should also perform quality control tests on the products of their clients, keep adequate records for the purpose of auditing, and return to the client the completed product, unbroken and in proper condition. The Government’s role in this aspect is to ensure that the project delivery is carried out as scheduled and within budget.

The responsibilities and duties of the Contractor include the preparation of the bid, selection of materials, hiring workers, managing the resources, preparing the site, performing work on the site, providing materials and labor, supervising work and project completion, filing any subcontractor contracts, arranging any subcontractor licenses, preparing any tax documents, and communicating with all appropriate agencies. The Supplier’s role is to provide all material and inventory and deliver the finished product. In the case of government agencies and establishments, the Supplier would also have an official dealing with these matters, while the Contractor would have someone in charge of project management. Both the parties usually appoint an authorized person as their point of contact. This would include the Contractor’s representative, accountants, and inspectors.