Examples of Real Estate Investing

News Oct 3, 2021

When we hear the term Real Estate, what immediately comes to mind is: properties that are bought and sold as a means of making money. But what exactly is Real Estate? In simple terms, Real Estate is the purchase and sale of a property, whether it be residential, commercial or industrial in nature, as a means of putting money into business.


The real estate industry works on many different levels and in many different ways. One way of making money through the property management industry is by making investments in the property market. There are many investors and speculators who use the real estate market as a means of making money. There are many different ways these people make money from the real estate market including: renting out properties to tenants, selling vacant land to developers who build single-family residences or town homes, investing in certain businesses, etc.

One of the economic characteristics of real estate is the fact that it is largely an income producing business. Most of the work that is done in the real estate industry is that of developing land and establishing residential or commercial properties. Developing land involves: purchasing property that is available to be used for building homes, apartment complexes, or a business or other structure; putting the property under constructions; and finally, having the land surveyed and inspected so that construction can take place on it. Developing homes and other properties involves many different economic characteristics such as: locating the property on the correct piece of land in the right location, building roads, sewers, gas and electric lines, etc. All of these factors are necessary in order to have a property that will generate income.

Developing a property involves many economic characteristics such as: finding the appropriate land, building the structure on the land, constructing the structure, putting up the walls and other exterior features, and also acquiring the necessary permits to construct a house or a building on the land. Finding the appropriate land is one of the most important characteristics of real estate because without it no development can take place. In order to find the right piece of land, a land survey is needed to determine the boundaries of the property and to establish the easements, rights-of-way, or other properties-related easements on the land. Finding the appropriate property to develop entails a lot of research and homework on part of the investors.

Developing residential or commercial real property involves many economic characteristics that are not explained above. In fact, there are many other characteristics that relate to the buying, selling, renting, managing, owning, and trading of real property. Some of the examples include: determining the value of the property, determining the loan amount, determining the interest rate, getting the property insured, determining the tax bracket for the investment, and many other aspects. These are just some of the many things involved in buying, selling, managing, owning, trading, and/or trading real estate. The laws and rules regarding these various aspects of real estate are subject to change from time to time.

Other examples include: the purchase of vacant land for housing, the construction of new houses, developing townhouses and condominiums, rehabbing old homes, and the repair of homes, businesses, industrial facilities, warehouses, and other structures. One of the most important characteristics of real estate deals and transactions is that most buyers, developers, and landlords buy a parcel of land with the intent to develop a specific property. Such actions result in the creation of new residential and business properties. An example of this would be the conversion of a vacant piece of land into a residential community. Other types of property transactions that deal with the creation of new residential communities include the purchase of land with the intent to build housing developments, schools, businesses, and/or other types of institutions.